EcoSmart Hot Water Systems – Solar, Gas & Electric
Australian owned EcoSmart products represent world’s best practice in design, materials and manufacture. No matter where you live or what your needs are, there is an EcoSmart hot water system to satisfy your needs. Below you’ll find a small description of the many types available to help you make a well-informed choice.
Electrical Boosted Solar Hot Water – If you are replacing an existing electric water heater or building a house without access to gas. With a size to suit every household, it’s one of the most powerful and efficient solar hot water systems you can buy – clearly outperforming other major brands.
Gas Boosted Solar Hot Water – If your family makes big demands on your hot water system! With an endless supply of hot water, gas boosted solar is also one of the most environmentally friendly domestic EcoSmart hot water solutions available – so everyone wins.
Gas Continuous Flow Hot Water – If you’re connected to reticulated natural gas or LPG, and you’re looking for one of the most environmentally friendly systems available, but you don’t have room for a tank on the ground or the roof.
Roof Mounted Solar Hot Water – If you want to replace an existing roof mount with a higher performance system, or if you have limited yard space and no room on the ground for a tank, or if you’re replacing an internal hot water unit and there is no room on the ground for a tank.
Solar Heat Pump – If you’d like an environmentally friendly solution, but due to shading, unsuitable roof orientation or space, solar panels on the roof aren’t practical for you.
Solar Collector – As an integral component of the Invincible EcoSmart Solar Hot Water system, the EcoSmart Flat Plate Collectors are highly efficient and built to last. As a result, this helps EcoSmart have one of the highest STCs against comparable systems.
Solar Power (PV) – An EcoSmart Solar Power system converts the suns light into electricity to help you generate clean, environmentally friendly energy for your home. Current generous feed-in tariffs available make it even more worthwhile, and your EcoSmart Solar Power system will convert your home into a mini power station which will reduce your energy costs or potentially zero your power bills.
To get your very own EcoSmart hot water system installed at your home or work place, call Oceanside Services today on 07 5520 7100! Our friendly team will provide you with an over the phone quote on EcoSmart hot water repairs & installations.