
What Is Considered An Electrical Emergency?

Electrical emergencies can be stressful, dangerous and often costly if they aren’t resolved quickly and professionally. If you’ve experienced electrical failure in your home or you’re concerned about the safety of your electrics, the best choice is always to turn to professionals for help. Not sure if you have an emergency on your hands? We’ve covered some of the most common ones below:

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How do I know if I have an electrical problem that needs emergency attention?

Knowing when to call in a professional electrician is the first step to keeping you and your family safe in your home. While some issues can be resolved with a standard call-out, others require urgent attention. Here are some of the questions you may want to ask to decide if an emergency service is the right call:

  • Is this electrical problem a risk to me and my family?
  • Is it impossible to shut off my power until a standard call-out?
  • Is there a smell of burning, or are my outlets hot to the touch?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, now is the time to get an emergency electrician out. When electrical problems are left, there is a significant risk of electrical fire, shocks and expensive electrical issues that need costly replacement. To keep your home safe, calling an emergency specialist is the best option for you.

What counts as an emergency electrical problem?

What is an emergency electrical problem? Anything that poses a risk to you or your home should be treated seriously. Electrical emergencies can be life-threatening, and you should never try to fix them yourself unless you are trained and qualified. Here are some of the situations in which you’d want to get an emergency call-out:

Sudden, localised power outages

If you have a sudden power outage in your home or your electrics are short-circuiting immediately after restoring everything, this indicates a bigger problem. An emergency electrician can quickly and effectively diagnose the problem, keeping your home safe.

A smoking or hot outlet

Outlets or light switches that are smoking or hot to the touch are at serious risk of starting an electrical fire. An emergency electrician needs to come out and fix the problem as soon as possible to keep your house safe, and you may need to turn off all power in the meantime if possible.

Receiving an electric shock from electrics

If you or a family member has had a shock from any plugs, outlets, or electrics in your home, call an emergency electrician as soon as you can. A shock can indicate a severe problem with electrics that must be made safe as quickly as possible.

Need help fast? Call Oceanside Services

If you think you have an electrical emergency in Queensland, Oceanside Services can help. Our specialist electricians are available around the clock for one-hour emergency call-outs. You can rely on us to keep you and your household safe with prompt, expert electrical services on the Gold Coast and Brisbane. Call us on 07 5520 7100 now if you have an emergency, and we’ll be on-site within the hour.