Two Workers Fixing Hot Water System — Reliable Local Plumbers in Gold Coast

When Was The Last Time You Inspected Your Hot Water System?

Recently we have been experiencing an increase of calls with customers reporting they have a hot water system leakage. With all the rain we have been receiving on the Gold Coast and the inability to spend time outside, we understand that a hot water system leak can go unnoticed.

Reminder to inspect your hot water system

Did you know that a hot water system can provide your home with hot water and still have a leak?
So, if you have a hot water heater located outside and you haven’t inspected it lately – this is your friendly reminder!

It is normal operating procedure for the relief drain valve (PTR Valve) to drip water during the heating process. However, if you notice water dribbling or running from the valve then this requires attention.
Also, if you notice water leaking from any part of the tank itself, it may need repairs or replacement.

Give us a call if you are unsure – 0755207100.

The qualified team at Oceanside Services can advise you of the best hot water solutions available to suit your household size, and if required, we can arrange to have it installed with zero fuss and at a great price.