How To Save Money With Solar Hot Water
You may not realize it, but using hot water makes up a significant portion of your energy costs. Water heating for domestic purposes accounts for up to 30% of the average homeowner’s energy costs. One solution to these costs is the use of a solar hot water system. These environmentally friendly water heaters use the sun’s heat (energy) and convert it to heat for your home and the water it uses. Customer satisfaction surveys show that over 94% of people with solar hot water systems are satisfied with the investment.
Savings every month on your energy/heating bill
Use of solar hot water and solar heating decreases dependence on energy from power plants, which reduces your monthly electric or gas bill. The one-time cost to install solar heating will be quickly made up in the monthly savings.
Increased value on your home in the long-run
Studies show that home buyers are willing to pay more for homes with solar hot water systems. Adding the price of your solar water heater into your 30-year mortgage amounts to less than $20 per month. These prices will benefit you if you sell your home. Combined with your gas or electric savings each month, the solar heat system saves you more money than you are paying in the long-run.
Possible tax incentives for alternate energy uses
Renewable resources are extremely valuable and gaining attention from business, corporations, and the government, as well. In Queensland STC rebates from the state government can be as high as $800, with other states offering similar incentives for installing a solar water heater.
Based on your home’s energy needs, your location, and the amount of savings you will get from this investment, you will be able to determine if solar heating is right for you. There are many benefits to solar hot water that will allow you to save money monthly, yearly, and if you ever decide to sell your home. Happy shopping!
If you have any questions, call our friendly team at Oceanside Services today on 07 5520 7100.